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Active Participants of Creative Works

A conference to hear reports and elect new officials of the Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan was held in Tashkent on 25 January.

It was dedicated to the discussion of the work of the Committee over the past period and to determine the priorities of its activities on the basis of tasks set by President Islam Karimov in the Concept of the further deepening of democratic reforms and forming of civil society in the country, as well as in connection with the announcement of the 2013 as the Year of Wellbeing and Prosperity in Uzbekistan.

The meeting was attended by delegates elected at the conferences of district, city and regional women’s committees, members of the Senate and the Legislative Chamber of the Republic of Uzbekistan, heads of ministries, departments and public organizations.

The delegates of the conference visited the Independence Square and laid flowers to the Monument of Independence and Humanism, which is a symbol of freedom, bright future and noble aspirations. They also got acquainted with the creative work conducted in the capital on the improvement and construction of new majestic buildings and sports complexes.

The State advisor to the President of Uzbekistan Kh.Sultonov read the greeting of Islam Karimov to the participants of the conference.

Chairperson of the Women’s Committee, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan E.Basithanova reported about the activities of the committee for the past period and its immediate goals.

During the past years, a range of measures have been implemented to increase the participation of women in state and socially oriented policies. In cooperation with the National Centre for Human Rights of Uzbekistan, developed and implemented two of national action plan for implementation of the UN Convention on the Elimination of all forms of discrimination against women – the main international instrument in this field. The international community has highly appreciated the measures adopted in Uzbekistan to achieve the Millennium Development Goals on gender equality in all spheres, including universal access to education, health, women's participation in the affairs of state and society.

The Public Council for the Coordination of the activities of public organizations in promotion of healthy lifestyles among the population was established at the Women's Committee.

Educational works on increasing the medical culture of the population are being held in the framework of the program "Healthy mother – healthy child" at the educational institutions, enterprises, organizations and mahallas. "Schools for young families" were created at the specialized secondary educational institutions of the country together with the judicial authorities.

The conference delegates, including the members of the Senate of the Republic of Uzbekistan, deputy hokim (governor) Tashkent city, chairman of the city Women’s Committee F.Abdurahimova, Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the Women's Committee of the Republic of Karakalpakstan Z.Ibrohimova, deputy governors of regions, heads of regional women's committees – I.Karimova (Kashkadarya region), M.Azizova (Namangan region), S.Fayziyeva (Tashkent region), deputy of Jizzakh regional Council of Deputies, manager of the company "Forteks" in Forish district B.Turayeva and others made speech during the discussion.

The conference participants as a result of the discussion in general have adopted the Action Program of the Women's Committee of Uzbekistan on the role of women in forming of civil society in the country, strengthening the family, ensuring their participation in state and public construction in 2013-2014.

The Charter of the Women's Committee of Uzbekistan in the new edition was adopted at the conference.

The team of the Women's Committee was elected. And E.Basithanova was elected as the Chairman of the Women's Committee.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.Mirziyoyev spoke at the conference.