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Software developers under legal protection

On December 19, 2012 Committee on Information and Communication Technologies of the Legislative Chamber held a meeting where the results of the study of laws execution of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Legal Protection of Topologies of Integrated Microcircuits” and “On Legal Protection of Software and Databases” in the system of the Agency of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Uzbekistan were considered.

At present microelectronics production and software development are the key spheres of innovative economy. The production process is a complex technological one, each stage of which requires from a developer a creative approach International patent laws protect many results of creative activity in this sphere, so they can be used as a mechanism of ensuring legal regulation of appropriate relations at the international level. However, not all types of objects (results of creative activity) in this sphere can be protected by traditional legal means. In particular, this applies to topologies of integrated microcircuits, computer programs and databases, which by their nature, as well as features of relations arising in the process of their creation and use, require the adoption of special laws.

Chairman of the Committee of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on information and communication technologies A.Jurabaev and others noted that in the first years of independence the Law “On legal protection of software products for electronic computing machines and databases” was adopted.

For the period of 2007-2012 the total number of applications received for registration of software amounted 1640. In analyzed period 1613 software products were registered, of which for computers – 1429 and databases – 184. Legal entities registered 914 software products, physical – 699.

In order to promote knowledge in the field of legal protection of software products, the Agency is conducting seminars in a systematic manner in relevant state bodies, institutions of higher education on the issues of legislative framework of providing legal protection for intellectual property objects, in particular, topologies of integrated microcircuits, computer programs and databases. Agency actively implemented measures to implement educational activities. In 2012 more than 100 specialists from various enterprises and organizations of the republic were trained in training courses “Fundamentals of Intellectual Property”, organized by the Agency for training and increasing qualification of specialists of the state and economic management bodies, business and entrepreneurship representatives.